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Prioritizing your Mental Health as a CEO

Today is World Mental Health Day! Shouldering the responsibility of an entire organization is no easy feat. At the end of the day, everyone is relying on you to take your company to success. It is easy for your mental health to take a back seat as you juggle all the pieces at once. However, taking care of yourself is important so you can lead effectively.

Read our top tips on keeping your mental health a priority while balancing such a large role!

Manage work-life balance

Delete Slack from your phone - no, seriously! Or, take baby steps by turning off automatic notifications! Being available every waking minute of every single day is truly impossible. Of course, there will be days when you might work later than you like - but, ensuring that you make this a priority is essential in remaining in the game long-term.

Know when to delegate

We understand the passion that comes along with work you are proud to do. However, unfortunately, you simply cannot do it all. Delegating tasks is key to being a successful - and a sane - CEO. There are some tasks only you can do or best suited to your talents. Focus on work that is the 'best' use of your time. If it's a 'good' use of time, that's a sign you should delegate.

Stay inspired

It can be easy to forget why you are doing this when you have many emails to respond to, Slack messages to answer, and phone calls to make. We all have choices, be sure to take moments to remind yourself why you're choosing this path. A good tip is to surround your workspace with reminders of your mission and goals!

Get enough sleep

While we cannot guarantee there will not be late nights crunched over the computer screen, getting enough sleep is key for your mental health. Sleep experts recommend turning off screens to get a break from the blue light at least 30 minutes before bed! Thinking clearly and making sound decisions for your business and employees is crucial.

Build a great support network

Building a network with other CEOs is important to rely on each other for a support system. You can always connect with others at national conferences like ISTE, or even on LinkedIn groups for edtech CEOs!

We want you to take good care of your health! If you are feeling too overwhelmed, it is important to seek the help of a professional.

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