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The Three Rules of Marketing

👉 The right audience:

Who are you targeting? And more specifically, what do they value? Before executing any marketing plans, knowing your target audience is crucial. Have you taken the time to put yourself in their shoes? What are their pain points and how do you bring value to them? The education market is unique, your end user might not be your purchaser so you need to make sure you have a sandwich approach to marketing with the appropriate audience targeted in the correct medium, with the right messaging. n marketing knowing what moves the audience is where it's important to be thinking about drivers and motivations that will stimulate an inquiry or, for them to ask to learn more

👉 Correct medium:

Once you know your audience, you need to choose the right medium. Are you reaching out through LinkedIn? Or, are you posting to TikTok? This takes trial and testing - but, focus on a few mediums and do them very well before venturing out to others. Finding the right channel for your audience might seem like a simple answer, but your audience follows more than one channel for unique reasons. Don't be afraid to do A/B testing and be prepared for surprises. The important thing is to routinely assess how well your message is being communicated in a specific channel and tweak your campaigns accordingly.

👉 Right messaging:

What are you saying? Once you know your audience and you are reaching them in the correct places, your messaging needs to resonate. Have you invested the time and energy into really listening to your audience? This is a step that cannot be skipped, we all know about assumptions, it is imperative to spend time listening and building empathy for your audience. Your messaging will likely need to be altered for different audiences and various types of media. Be prepared for your messaging to change depending on your audience and media. There is no one message that will be applicable across the board. For some media, keep words to a minimum, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a million. In other media, research and authority are priceless.

Ultimately, regardless of who you are trying to sell to, where, or with what message one thing is true: No one wants to be sold to - Leave behind Harry Wormwood and bring authenticity and empathy.

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